The strangest animals in the world

The strangest animals in the world

Exploring the world is not just about discovering landscapes, attractions, architecture and art, but also including exotic animals and creatures. Join me to discover the strangest animals in the world.

Ambystoma mexicanum

The strangest animals in the world

Mexican walking fish (Ambystoma mexicanum), also known as axolotls, are quirky creatures: These "fish" not only have spiky, protruding plumage, but they can also "walk". When approaching the bottom of a lake or canal, they will pull their four legs out from the sides to crawl around their swampy habitat in Mexico City.
Ogcocephalus darwini

The strangest animals in the world

The red-lipped batfish (Ogcocephalus darwini) is a species of fish in the Ogcocephalidae family. They live in tropical seas, most of which are on the Galapagos Island, Ecuador. They have fins that they use as legs. Their food is fish, shrimp, crustaceans. They have red lips that can be used by batfish to attract mates, or as a weapon to attract prey.
Goblin shark

The strangest animals in the world

Scientifically known as Mitsukurina owstoni, a species of deep sea shark. This is perhaps the most distinctive and peculiar species compared to other sharks because of its ugly appearance, while its beak nose is longer than other sharks and resembles a bird's beak, it also has a long horn. more than the snout resembles the shape of a fly. In addition, they have a mostly pink body, along with jaws that can extend outwards to bite prey.
Glaucus Atlanticus

The strangest animals in the world

They may look like aliens, but these strange sea animals are actually a species of sea slug. Glaucus atlanticus, also known as the green dragon or "dragon slug," is an unusual species of sea slug, and is increasingly threatened by its recent feeding habits. You can find it in the warm waters of the ocean.
Mantis shrimp

The strangest animals in the world

They have the English name Mantis shrimp because the shape is very similar to the mantis, especially the second pectoral legs have the shape of a rudder with large, flexible spines. The body of the shrimp is only covered by an outer shell from the back of the head to the first 4 segments of the body. Widely distributed in temperate and tropical seas globally.
Venezuelan Poodle Moth

The strangest animals in the world

Although shaped like… Satan, this monster is an insect belonging to his family, the English name is poodle moth. They were discovered in 2009 in Venezuela.
This animal has a long and rather silky coat – surprising scientists. Insects have wings like butterflies, the plumage has a sensor function, so it is usually just a very thin layer of fluff. Pacu fish
Antelope Saiga

The strangest animals in the world

Saiga antelopes surprise us with their faces like a product… Photoshop is faulty. This species of antelope was once distributed throughout the grasslands and large steppes of the Eurasian continent. But now the number of Saiga is decreasing rapidly and sharply due to illegal hunting
Panda Ant

The strangest animals in the world

What kind of ant looks… a monster like this? It's Panda Ant - panda ant. They get their name because of their ant-like appearance, but come in two colors like pandas.
However, this animal has nothing to do with the name, as they are wingless wasps of the family "Multillidae", which live mainly in central Chile. And don't be fooled by its cute appearance, as the "panda ant" venom can cause swelling for several days.
Thorny Dragon

The strangest animals in the world

The scientific name is the thorn dragon, a species of lizard that lives in the deserts of Australia. Due to the arid and harsh weather all year round, their skin has evolved into a hard crust to limit water loss for the body and to protect them from predators.
Dragon lizards like to eat ants. When attacked, they seek to defend themselves by curling up like a ball of thorns and rolling at the enemy.